
CPVO: Renaissance, Application No.: 20161235

Cultivar description

Harvest time

junebearer, midseason to late, 2 days later than `Elsanta´

Reference cultivars

gourmet fruit, rich aroma pattern without comparison in the assortment

Fruit size

medium (19-20 g on average)

Fruit appearance

shiny red, attractive, glossy, heart-shaped

Fruit firmness

firm flesh, medium firm skin

Shelf life

good scores, suitable for direct marketing


highly aromatic, extraordinary high flavour due to high ester, terpenoid and lactone contents, result of breeding work assisted by chemical and sensory analysis, balanced high sugar-to-acid ratio




medium, harvest without calyx possible by trained pickers (for processing)

Plant habit

vigorous, stable plantation without plant losses on the field


healthy plants, no obvious susceptibility to diseases, fully winterhardy, not susceptible to late frost


fresh market, direct marketing, processing (puree, aroma extraction, smoothies, jam, perfect for freeze drying because of excellent structure), home garden

Die Sorte Renaissance ist geeignet für Gefriertrocknung.
geeignet für Gefriertrocknung