PVO: Hans Lola, Application No.: 20190145
Grant/registration No.: 60451
Harvest time |
junebearer, midseason to late, balanced without peaks, 2 days later than `Aprica´, longer harvest window (1 week longer) |
Reference cultivars |
`Aprica´, `Elegance´ |
Fruit size |
large to medium (20-22 g on average, first fruit up to 38 g) |
Fruit appearance |
shiny bright red, attractive, glossy |
Fruit firmness |
firm flesh, firm skin |
Shelf life |
best scores, comparable to `Elegance´ |
Flavour |
pleasant, balanced sugar-to-acid ratio |
Yield |
very high |
Picking |
easy |
Plant habit |
compact but not weak → low workload |
Resistances |
healthy plants, no obvious susceptibility to diseases |
Use |
fresh market, direct marketing, home garden |